Tad Carter's father Brad worked as an atomic scientist. Over the years, with gradual exposure to radiation, he had a seemingly normal son. A few years into the boy's life he started to display powers unbeknownst to everyone else. He was able to pull a ball back to within reach of his playpen with his mind.
Years later, Tad now in school, struggles with a test. He wishes he could read his teacher's mind when suddenly he can. Tad decides he should share his awesome powers to help others out.
In a park, Tad shows to his classmates what he can do. He successfully reads one of their minds. This causes a stir among his friends. Then he shows that he can also lift them up with his mental powers. His peers quickly turn on him. They label Tad a "mutant" and a "freak" and prepare to attack him.
Before they can tackle him, an unseen force shoves the classmates out of Tad's way. Tad is lifted high into the evening sky where a sudden, unseen voice speaks directly to Tad's mind. This voice tells Tad that are others like him. He is not alone. The guiding voice tells the young man that they are "the next stage of development of man! We are the future!" He goes on to explain that they hide themselves because "people fear those who are different! And humans destroy those whom they fear!" The voice in his head concludes that the humans are too primitive to understand at this time. Tad will join them in hiding until "mankind comes of age!"
This short story covers the most basic themes for the X-Men in this story by Stan Lee & Steve Ditko.
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